Top 10k strings from Ronnie Goes to Hollywood - Help (1987)(8th Day Software).tzx
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1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CAT F 1 CAT 1 A$="--*--H.R.H. THE GAME FOR ALL THE (ROYAL) FAMILY--*--8TH. DAY--*--H.R.H. THE GAME FOR ALL THE " 1 ;"~If I could just find a new arm for my Teddy - but everyone seems to want to stop me,AND I'M GETTING MAD......~ ": 1 ;"selling the corgis to Mac Donalds to pay for a new chainsaw for Prince Williams birthday present....? How is shegoing to afford meals on wheels for the Queen Mother....? And what about her clothing bill from Oxfam....? Hoping to save the threatened dignity of our most gracious monarch you see yourself being knighted as you hand the Queen her dole money... ": 1 ;"giro! Thunder-struck you rack your brain for a local pub called the Queen Elizabeth.... until you notice THE address! The giro slips to the floor,thelong line of zeros on it staringaccusingly up at you like Princess Margaret after you've nicked her last bottle of brown ale. Your heart throbs violentlylike Prince Andrews chopper-but what can you do? It looks as if you've got the Queens' giro- surely she must have yours? Will she have to resort to ": 1 ;"_______________________ ________________": 1 ;"______ ": 1 ;"Using these as examples,REMOVE COAT can be cut down to typing REMO COAT,or CLIMB LADDER to CLIM LADD.Though it may take some getting used to,this can save considerable time and help make the game more fun.As well as these commands,there are alsosome additional words which are invaluable to the player seriously involved in completingthe game. ": 1 ;"To play the adventure,the playercontrols a character using a VERB-NOUN format to manipulate any objects they may find withinthe game.For example,~GET SWORD~or ~TAKE SWORD~ or ~DROP SWORD~.The game uses far more commands than these,the vocabulary of thegame reflecting the possible manipulation of any objects to be found within it.I.E:-If the game contains a coat,the player should be able to WEAR it,etc. ": 1 ;"To move around the game world, the player uses compass directions.EG:NORTH,SOUTH,EAST, SOUTHEAST etc.Note the use of UPand DOWN are also allowed,as areIN and OUT.Most of these can be abbreviated from say,NORTH to just N.This obviously saves time-SOUTHEAST becomes SE and DOWN becomes D.Not only can directions be shortened either, TAKE becomes T-though as a rule,only the 1st 4 letters are necessary. ": 1 ;"The main verbs in all adventuresare as follows:-TAKE,DROP,WEAR, REMOVE,EAT,DRINK,OPEN,PRESS, PULL,TIE,CLIMB,PUSH,READ,LOOK, SEARCH,EXAMINE,HELP.This is by no means an exhaustive list,and is meant only as some indicationof the flexibility allowed.All verbs can be followed by a noun,though there are some words thatcan be used as a single word entry,and therefore have specialimportance. ": 1 ;"The bar of chocolate for examplemay just be poisonous!Above all persevere-even the hardiest adventure players get stuck the first time they play a game,and it is quite likely you will be killed off a few times at first!But eventually you will ~acclimatise~ yourself and face even the toughest quest without any qualms!If really stuck of course,hint-sheets are availabledirectly from us on receipt of aSAE. ": 1 ;"Secret manuals must be retrievedan evil traitor dispensed with and a top secret crippled ship destroyed before the Federation can rest in peace once more.The fate of the Universe is in your hands! ": 1 ;"QUANN TULLA(Moderate difficulty)Highly advanced robots,automaticdefence traps,advanced computer systems all play a part in this challenging Science Fiction adventure in which the player takes on the might of the evil, corrupt Empire on the behalf of the ailing Federation.The battletakes place in the energy shattered hull of a once proud flagship,through deep space,and finally to a desperate conclusion on a far distant alien world. ": 1 ;"Playing Tips The secret of adventure games isto be curious-try examing every thing;search objects,try using the objects in different ways;isthe bar of chocolate to be eatenor should I give it to the Dragon?Also remember that you are very rarely told everything and most things are left for youto discover. ": 1 ;"PLAY ADVENTURES": 1 ;"One thing is certain - this Midsummer Nights Fantasy will have you bemused for a long time!! ": 1 ;"One person though,may be able toapproach unseen and evade Stirlings defences. In any othersituation the idea would be ludicruos but Stirling must be stopped. The freezing polar ice-cap must be crossed. Then the real battle will begin as you attempt to first find,then outwit,Stirling. Yet the Arctic wastes hold more dangers than sub-zero temperatures. You are about to discover what they are..... ": 1 ;"It is in this area that the mainbody of the adventure rests.To be able to successfully completethe quest,find all the treasuresetc.they will have to be able touse the objects found,and the objects should be capable of being used as one whould expect.A gun for example,should be ableto be fired FIRE GUN,a door could be opened OPEN DOOR,but a key may be required first!UNLOCKDOOR.Notes or books can be read READ BOOK. ": 1 ;"It is important to remember thatany movements after the save arenot remembered by the program, and so it is advised to use the SAVE facility regulary. (Especially after successfully completing any difficult section!).To re-commence at yoursaved position,rewind the tape, connect the earphone leads and type RESTORE or LOAD.To QUIT thegame and return to basic type QUIT.For a list of your current posessions type INVENTORY or I. ": 1 ;"IN SEARCH OF ANGELS (ModerateDifficulty) One of Britains early warning attack satellites is missing anda C.I.A. agent is found dead in the Thames.You believe that the two incidents are linked. If you dare to take on the role of COBOL in this ~Fleming-style~international adventure then youwill enter the world of car chases,deadly assassins and intrigue. ": 1 ;"ICE STATION ZERO (Moderate Difficulty) An international terrorist knownonly as Stirling has issued a mad decree: ~Pay me one billion dollars or I will wipe out New York~. Emergency radio transmissions create panic. A remote polar research station taken by force seems to be in Sterlings hands. All out attack is unlikely to guarantee success..... ": 1 ;"How to Play Adventure Games. Text Adventure games can best bedescribed as ~computerised novels~ in which the player moves about the game world in search of some end objective, which may vary from locating buried treasure, or taking up some perilous quest;the format is of no set topic,imagination being the only limit. ": 1 ;"HOW TO": 1 ;"H.R.H.": 1 ;"FOUR MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT (Advanced Difficulty) Four Minutes to Midnight is a unique strategy adventure program set in a world devastated by a bacteriological disaster in which 90% of the population have died from a breed of super-plague. In the aftermath a new hierarchy of technical and engineering skillsarises,on which the future societies will be based. ": 1 ;"FAERIE (Advanced difficulty) Lateral thinking is definately required to progress in this surrealistic fantasy. Not for the faint hearted,you will have to find hoards of treasure in scenarios varying from the long forgotten grottos of the demonicunderworld and open countryside populated by eccentric characters blocking your every move;to the mystic granite reliefs of animated chess pieceson an immense board. ": 1 ;"Enter: [P] to page or, [R] to return to MENU": 1 ;"Can you guide a party of five people across America,organisingevery characters movements in a blend of strategy and adventure in search of a nuclear-free Utopia? First you will have to disarm your dead countries latent nuclear capability. Everyone of the five people at your disposal will play their part in your eventual success orfailure!! ": 1 ;"CUDDLES - The game for BIG kids.(Moderate difficulty). ~Mummy's gone to the shops and that NASTY NANNY is glaring at me again - and I'm bored! What's this do? Why am I in thisplaypen? Why is..... Pack lots of nappies,take a nicewarm romper suit and escape fromthe tedium of the nursery into the intriguing Land of Make- believe. ~Things seem to be getting curiouser and curiouser..... ": 1 ;"As you travel around the World piecing the clues together,you discover that society as we knowit is in terrible danger - and time is running out..... ": 1 ;"As the games are without exception very large and complexthere is a facility to save the game at any particular point. This is of great value,as you will obviously not want to startfrom the very beginning every time you play the game.The command to save a game at any position is SAVE.Connect the microphone leads to your tape recorder and insert a fresh tapethen start recording and press any key.The SAVE is very quick, and the game will then continue.": 1 ;"48K SPECTRUM ADVENTURES JUST `2.50 EACH. ": 1 ;"********************************" 1 ;" PLEASE WAIT " 1 ;" 8TH.DAY ": 1 ;" __________________________ " 1 ;" _______________ ": 1 ;" _____ ": 1 ;" [I] How to get your 8TH. DAY adventures. " 1 ;" [C] FOUR MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT [D] CUDDLES [E] QUANN TULLA [F] ICE STATION ZERO [G] IN SEARCH OF ANGELS [H] FAERIE " 1 ;" [A] HRH: The storyline. [B] How to play Adventure Games. ": 1 ;" OTHER 8TH. DAY ADVENTURES. ": 1 ;" MENU:": 1 ;" LOADING ": 1 ;" GAMES AT `2.50: ": 1 --*--H.R.H. THE GAME FOR ALL THE (ROYAL) FAMILY--*--8TH. DAY--*--H.R.H. THE GAME FOR ALL THE B 1 "********************************": 1 " At last it's Wednesday morning!Sitting hunched beneath the letter box waiting for your dolegiro,you rummage through an ash tray for a last remaining dog end. After what seems an eternity,the letter arrives!! Hallelujah!! Eagerly ripping open the DHSS envelope you clutch the giro to your heaving chest,gibbering uncontrollably. Regaining your composure you notice with a gasp of horror that it isn't your name on the ": 1 " 4 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT;CUDDLES; QUANN TULLA;ICE STATION ZERO; IN SEARCH OF ANGELS and FAERIE are available from: 8TH. DAY, 18 FLAXILL, MORETON, WIRRAL, MERSEYSIDE,L46 7UH. Please enclose crossed cheque/POfor `2.50 per game,made payable to 8TH. DAY SOFTWARE. ": 1 8TH. DAY SOFTWARE,1984.